Authors guidelines

Dear authors
You are welcome to submit your papers in the following two categories:

    • Paper must fulfil requirements for publication in a scientific journal (please see below for details). Each scientific paper will pass anonymized and independent review process that will determine its eligibility for publication in IEEE conference proceedings.
      • Scientific papers can be presented in the form of an oral presentation or poster presentation. Authors are kindly asked to select the preferred presentation form during paper submission.
        • Paper presenting best practices or real-life commercial applications of Smart Cities solutions. Does not have to follow the requirements for a scientific paper and is not eligible for publication in conference proceedings or special issue.

      Based on the outcome of the anonymized and independent review process the papers can be moved from Scientific Paper section to Technical Paper section or vice versa.

Full paper submission for review

The authors are asked to submit ANONYMIZED full papers (no names of authors, no affiliation) prior to the date of paper submission (see important dates).

Papers must be written in an English language and must have the lengthy between 4 and 6 pages. The proceedings template is available here (format for MS Word 2007-2016). Submitted files have to be in PDF format only. The full papers will be submitted through the conference web site - Submission paper.

After submission, the authors will be assigned a submission ID, which will be used for further communication as well as for identification of the payment of the conference fee during the registration process.

Review process

Every ANONYMIZED full paper will be reviewed by two reviewers (double-blind review). Final acceptance depends of the results of reviews. In the case of different results paper will be reviewed by one advocate.

Final paper submission (camera-ready version)

Authors of accepted papers will create and submit "camera-ready version" through the conference web site.

Only papers that reflect the comments of reviewers will/can be considered for publication in the conference proceedings.

The proceedings template is available here (format for MS Word 2007-2019).